
photo_FP-Ricci_sThe School Francesco Paolo Ricci, an international school established in 2004, provides a comprehensive training in the fundamental concepts of neutron scattering. It is entitled to Prof. Francesco Paolo Ricci who pioneered with outstanding efforts the development of a neutron scattering community in Italy and the establishment of international collaboration between the Italian Research Council (CNR) and the European International Neutron Facilities in 1985. The school provides a comprehensive training in the fundamental concepts of neutron scattering.

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More Info:

Francesco Paolo Ricci Scienziato e Cittadino a Francavilla (version Pdf pdf)

Programma incontro 27 11 2010 pdf

Commemorative ceremony photos

Legacy of Francesco Paolo Ricci ten years later by A. Paoletti (Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone, 2011, Vol. 11, p.3-4)