VIth course of the Erice School  “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION”


12 – 17 July 2020

Erice, Sicily, Italy


The summer school on “Analytical Probing with Neutrons” is organised by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the Centro Fermi in Erice (Italy) on 12 – 17 July 2020 and hosted by the “Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture” (EMFCSC).

The five-day school program will provide an overview of neutron based non-destructive analysis techniques to study materials and objects. It will offer a coherent set of lectures for PhD students or young researchers at the postdoctoral level as well as expert discussions led by senior scientists with the aim to exchange experience and develop novel instrumentation ideas.

The techniques that will be presented and discussed are:

  • Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
  • Prompt Gamma-Ray Analysis (PGA)
  • Neutron Resonance Analysis (NRA)
  • Neutron Diffraction (ND)
  • Neutron Imaging (NI).

The school will include a session to allow PhD students and young researchers to present their work.

The contribution for participating is 720 EURO. This includes full board and lodging for 6 nights from 12/07/2020 (dinner) – 18/07/2020 (breakfast) and transport from and to the local airports.

The school is supported by the ENEN PLUS mobility funds. A maximum of 15 selected participants is foreseen. Each elected participant will be entitled to a lump sum of 1100 EURO to cover travel and lodging expenses.

Important dates

Application deadline:              30 April 2020

Registration deadline:             31 May 2020

Submission presentation:      30 June 2020

Important dates for ENENPLUS support

Deadline for applications:      31 March 2020

Selection of applications:      10 April 2020

Decision announcement:       13 April 2020


Eligibility of ENEN PLUS support:

  • PhD students and early-stage researchers who request cross border mobility support
  • PhD students and early-stage researchers who are active or seeking a career in the 4 ENEN+ nuclear fields (nuclear engineering, nuclear waste management, radiation protection, medical physics)
  • PhD students and early-stage researchers will be selected according to the Summer School selection rules and criteria

Eligible applicants for the financial support provided by the ENEN PLUS project are, in correspondence with the ENEN PLUS Mobility Rules [1], persons performing a transnational mobility action:

  • citizens of any EU member country willing to travel abroad (to another EU country or anywhere else), or
  • citizens of countries, which are not members of EU pursuing studies in an EU member country and having an already established relationship with the receiving institution

[1] Mobility manual, ENEN PLUS PROJECT, Grant Agreement Number 755576 (

Qualification for application

Applicants should be either PhD students or early-stage researchers, who completed their PhD studies after 1/07/2017. The applicant must submit an abstract that describes the work that will be presented at the school and a motivation letter for his/her participation to the school.

The criteria for selection of the participants will be based on:

  • the quality of the abstract and the research work presented in the abstract,
  • the achievements made during the last three years,
  • the motivation to attend the school.

All applicants are handled equally regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, language, religion etc.

Application procedure

Send the application form (link to Annex) detailing:

  • contact details of the student,
  • status of the PhD study for PhD students or early researchers,
  • motivation to attend the school,
  • scientific CV and publication list,
  • two-page abstract of the present research work.

The application should be sent by e-mail to, before the deadline of application, which is 31 March 2020.

The members of the Selection Committee are:

  • Peter Schillebeeckx (EC-JRC Geel) CHAIR
  • Giulia Festa (Centro Fermi, Rome, Italy)
  • Gabriel Pavel (ENEN)
  • Frank Gunsing (CEA Saclay, France)
  • Danas Ridikas (IAEA, Vienna)


General application

A maximum number of 25 registrations will be accepted. Therefore, there is a selection procedure for allocating places. Applicants who do not apply for an ENEN PLUS support should send a letter of interest specifying their current position, field of research and a brief motivation for participating in the school. The criteria used in making the selection are as follows:

  • Preference is given to applicants who, in the judgement of the selection committee will make a major use of one of the techniques (NAA, PGA, NRA, ND, NI) in their studies or work.
  • Preference is given to early-stage researchers from neutron facilities, universities or other research institutions.

Send the application form (link to Annex) detailing the following information:

  • contact details of the student,
  • status of the PhD study for PhD students or early researchers,
  • motivation to attend the school,
  • scientific CV and publication list,
  • two-page abstract of the present research work.

The application should be sent by e-mail to, before the deadline of application, which is 30 April 2020.

The members of the Selection Committee are:

  • Peter Schillebeeckx (EC-JRC Geel) CHAIR
  • Giulia Festa (Centro Fermi, Rome, Italy)
  • Gabriel Pavel (ENEN)
  • Frank Gunsing (CEA Saclay, France)
  • Danas Ridikas (IAEA, Vienna)

Participants applying for an ENENPLUS mobility grant should follow the instructions for Application ENEN PLUS mobility fund.


Course Directors

Giulia Festa,

Centro Fermi, Piazza del Viminale 1, I – 00184 Roma;

tel. +393490758578, email:

Gabriel Pavel,

ENEN, Egmontstraat 11, B – 1000 Brussel,

tel. +32483240330, email:

Peter Schillebeeckx,

EC – JRC, Retieseweg 111, B – 2440 Geel,

tel. +3214571475, email:


School secretariat

JRC.G2 Secretariat

EC – JRC, Retieseweg 111, B – 2440 Geel

tel. +3214571263, email:



Giulia Festa (Centro Fermi, Rome, Italy)

Tatiana Guidi (Science and Technology Facilities Council, ISIS, Didcot, United Kingdom)

Frank Gunsing (Commissariat à l’Énergie atomique, Saclay, France)

Nikolay Kardjilov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)

Joe Kelleher (Science and Technology Facilities Council, ISIS, Didcot, United Kingdom)

Arjan Plompen (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium)

Vladimir Radulović (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Zsolt Révay (Technical University of Munich, FRMII, Germany)

Danas Ridikas (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria)

Markus Roth (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)

Antonella Scherillo (Science and Technology Facilities Council, ISIS, Didcot, United Kingdom)

Peter Schillebeeckx (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel, Belgium)

Roberto Senesi (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy)

László Szentmiklósi (, Budapest, Hungary)

Sven Vogel (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States)

Robin Woracek (European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden)

Luca Zannini (European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden)