To register you will need to fill out the online registration form (registration closed), send a ‘personal statement’ and a ‘statement from your supervisor’ to,, and copy to Registered students will receive feedback of the selection starting from mid-April. Once accepted you will need to fill out the Student_Registration_Form and the Student_Travel_Form to be returned to and, and copy to by the date specified in the form header. Fee payment details are reported in a specific section of the Student_Registration_Form.
Please fill out the Lecturer_Registration_Form and the Lecturer_Travel_Form to be returned to and, and copy to by the date specified in the form header. Fee payment details are reported in a specific section of the Lecturer_Registration_Form.
Travel Grants: Students can apply to the TALISMAN Training and Education call within the TALISMAN “Transnational Access to Large Infrastructure for a Safe Management of ActiNide” Consortium funded by the European Commission (
TALISMAN will support a limited number of participation of students to training events through travel grants. The proposals will be evaluated and the most relevant will be selected by the ExCOM for funding (maximum allocated funding: 1k€/applicant). Application of students coming from universities is strongly encouraged. The deadline is March 2nd, 2015. Detailed information can be found at the following links:
Application Deadline: 15 April 2015
Support for a limited number of participants is provided by the Enlargement and Integration Action the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre ( To apply, please write to, cc. to, subject: 2015-ITU-10. Applications must be made by sending your detailed CV and expression of your motivation.Only citizens of the following Countries are eligible: Croatia, Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Switzerland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia, and Ukraine.
School fees include the cost of lodging during the school, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, and teaching materials. There are 25 residential places available.
Fee. You are kindly requested to pay the all- inclusive fee of 900 € per participant student plus 100 Euro per day for each accompanying person (if any). The participation fee is unbreakable, independently of the number of days you stay at the Conference, whereas the accompanying persons are charged on a daily basis.
Bring with you a copy of your payment. You will receive the receipt from EMCSC secretariat. In case you have difficulties to perform the payment in this way, please inform the Conference Scientific Secretary for instructions.