
Ken Andersen, ESS, SE Larmor Labelling at ESS:Opportunities and Perspectives
Earl Babcock, FZJ, MLZ, GE 3He Polarizes
Erik Berbäck, DTU Copenhagen, DK Polarized Neutrons and Larmor Precession in McStas
Example spin echo
Wim Bouwman, TU Delft, NL SESANS Instrument at RID, Delft
J.M. Carpenter, ANL, US Origin and prospects of Neutron sources
Georg Ehlers, ORNL, UK Quasielastic Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy
Peter Falus, ILL, FR Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer IN15 at ILL
NSE Phase stability
Antonio Faraone, NIST, USA Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer at NIST
Peter Fouquet, ILL.FR Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer WASP at ILL
Christian Franz, TUM, MLZ, GE RESEDA and Longitudinal NRSE at FRM II
Robert Georgii, TUM, MLZ, GE MIRA and MIEZE Box at FRM II
Klaus Habicht, HZB, GE Semi-Classical View of Larmor Precession
The Neutron Resonance Spin Echo Option @ V2/FLEXX    at BER II
Olaf Holderer, FZJ, MLZ, GE Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer JNSE at FRM II
Thomas Keller, MPI Stuttgart, MLZ, GE Three axis spin echo – examples from TRISP
Wai Tung Lee, ANSTO, AU Polarised neutrons capabilities at ANSTO
Eddy Lelièvre-Berna, ILL, FR Spherical Neutron Polarimetry: CryoPad
Stephane Longeville, LLB, FR Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer MUSES at LLB
Ferenc Mezei, ESS, SE Larmor Precession in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation
Gunter Muhrer, ESS, SE Targets, Moderators, Shielding
Goran Nilsen, STFC, UK Elastic Polarized Neutron Scattering
Catherine Pappas, TU Delft, NL NSE Spectroscopy on Magnetic Samples
Towards the Quantum Mechanical approach
Stefano Pasini, FZJ, MLZ, GE Magnetic Field Simulation and Optimization
Jeroen Plomp, TU Delft, NL Spin Nutators, Foil-Based Flippers and RF-Flippers
Roger Pynn, University of Indiana, USA Larmor Labelling
Hideki Seto, J-PARC , JP VIN ROSE at J-PARC
Jochen Stahn, PSI, CH Solid State Polarizers and Focussing Neutron Optics
Markus Strobl, ESS, SE Neutron Imaging with Larmor Labelling and SEMSANS
Ad van Well, TU Delft, NL Fundamental Science with Neutron Spin Precession
Robin Woracek, ESS, SE ESS Testbeamline at BER II, HZB
Piotr Zolnierczuk, FZJ, SNS, USA SNS-NSE